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HireClick Blog

Guidance, Advice, and Best Practices

  1. Hireclick front screen blog

    When choosing interview questions, stay away from weird.

    In one of my PhD classes last week, a classmate mentioned that he’d probably interviewed for more than 150 jobs in his life. This led to a brief discussion amongst the cohort about our best (and worst) interview experiences. I did some quick math and concluded that I’ve interviewed for approximately 100 jobs in my…

  2. career website 1

    Successful hiring starts with your careers website.

    The digital recruitment landscape is ever changing.  The ecosystem is dominated by dozens of local and national job search sites.  Social media builds exposure for your job listings and influences how you are perceived as an employer. Enter job aggregators, review sites, employee referrals, and good old -fashioned foot traffic to your location… you have…

  3. LincolnJoblistFront 1

    HIRECLICK adds to powerful Midwest Job Network with the launch of LincolnJoblist.com.

    The Lincoln, Nebraska area has just gained a valuable resource for connecting local jobseekers with area job listings. Lincolnjoblist.com is now live and includes thousands of the best and latest available jobs in the Lincoln area. Powered by HIRECLICK, an all-in-one hiring solution based in Sioux Falls, the new portal will help connect job seekers…

  4. job search

    Your Hiring Starts with a Plan, not a job ad.

    Let’s face it, the current hiring climate is tough.  2020 has presented challenges for all types and sizes of organizations, including their hiring of new workers.  In currently working with over 3000 employers, we have most certainly learned that “having a plan” is of the utmost importance.  Building a plan for your hiring does not…


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